Friday, February 1, 2013

:: Amazonas, Brasil

In July 2012 a team of 11 took the long journey down to South America. After a car ride, 3 flights, a taxi ride, and a boat ride, we arrived in Benjamin Constant, Brazil. Our team's mission was to aid the missionaries and church located in B.C. in every way needed. Cool fact: the missionaries we visited are the Hamilton family, my Aunt and Uncle and their family! Getting to spend time with family was a huge bonus! While there we did two different Vacation Bible schools - one at a church in Peru, and the other at the church in B.C. They went very well and getting to know the kids was so great! They were ready to learn, despite language barriers. We also worked with the Church's youth group and worship team, and gave testimonies and presented music for the services at the church. We also worked on some projects around the house for the Hamiltons! One of the best, but also most stretching aspects of the trip was seeing God use our team when we only knew English, and all the Brazilians only knew Portuguese and Spanish. The largest lesson I learned is that God uses us to do His work. It is nothing of ourselves, but all Him. Enjoy these images: the story of our adventure. 

The view of downtown Bogota, Columbia from our plane as we took off on our final flight 

First sights of the Amazon River Basin

Yes, those are Piranhas. Yes, we did catch them with Bamboo fishing rods. And yes, that was right off of the Hamilton's dock. It was good.


We took a day-trip to Tabatinga, Brazil ( a larger town up river) and of course, we used a boat to get there! Speeding up the Amazon River in a speedboat was memorable. So memorable.

This little girl was wandering the town. It surprised me how many children I saw who didn't seem to have anyone with them.

A motocicleta (the motorcycle), our main form of transportation

This boy attended our Vacation Bible school in Peru. All the kids loved the wrist-bands we gave them.

Mounds of Açai fruit

These were brothers who lived in the neighborhood. They were so awesome, as you can see from the picture. They came to our neighborhood outreach events and the Vacation Bible school at the church. 

This begins our day-trip into the jungle and back

After a good hike, we arrived at a fruit and fish plantation

There was nothing quite like picking a banana off of a tree and eating it - so good!

Cacao Fruit, which is where Chocolate comes from!

Roasted cashew. In order for the cashew nut to be edible, it must first be roasted. It's amazing what new things you can learn when in the rainforest! 

Gas station

Soccer is a continuous pass-time for Brazilians

Benjamin Contant at night

The Church's side yard

Cabanas Restaurante

Last days of our B.C. Vacation Bible school

"Praise God from Whom all blessings flow."

Looking Ahead,

Ethan J.

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